(NaturalNews) Be careful what you say on the government-monitored and likely CIA-backed social media website Facebook, as it could result in federal agents and the local police showing up at your door for questioning. This is what happened to 33-year-old Blaine Cooper of Arizona recently after he posted a comment on his Facebook “wall” decrying the burgeoning American police state, and urging his friends and family to be prepared to defend their freedoms against tyrants, both foreign and domestic — you know, the very same things America’s Founding Fathers bravely stood for.
A frightening scenario that warrants the extra “S” in U.S.S.A., Cooper reportedly received unexpected phone calls both from the Prescott Valley Police Department and the FBI less than 24 hours after posting the comment, ordering him to come down to the local police station for questioning. Cooper complied, which he later found out was the only reason federal agents did not come to his front door unannounced and literally kick it in to conduct a full-scale house raid.
“Cooper, who is training to be a wild land fire fighter, said that on August 23, he was contacted by Officer Jason Kaufman of the Prescott Valley Police Department and was told that he needed to come to the police station for an interview with the FBI,” reports PoliceStateUSA.com, the alternative news website first contacted by Cooper following the incident. “He complied with the request for an interview, which lasted 45 minutes with federal agents present. He was released after apparently being determined to not be a threat.”
While it is a good thing that Cooper did not incur physical abuse and violence at the hands of the rogue American state, the fact that he was even interrogated at all is deeply chilling, especially considering he made no threats in his Facebook post that in any way warrant government aggression. In fact, everything he stated is completely valid and within the bounds of free speech, which is supposed to be protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“They had every Facebook post I had ever made in a huge file, along with all my wife’s information, and parent’s information,” Cooper is quoted as saying to PoliceStateUSA.com about what he learned during his coerced interrogation. “The FBI made mention they came to question me so they didn’t have to kick in my door.”
Ironically, Cooper’s only “offense” was sounding the alarm about the very thing that ended up happening to him in response to his warning.
American patriots are the federal government’s new ‘terrorist’ threat
In other words, so long, “land of the free.” Individuals like Cooper who live in the corporate United States of America can now face unwarranted intimidation and questioning by the new American police state if they dare speak out against the types of flagrant abuses and tyranny that are increasingly becoming the norm in day-to-day American life. It is the type of thing that would make every single one of our Founding Fathers roll in his grave.
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