First time to visit this web site. We should try and see how we could work together. I help manage Citizens Action Network which is a part of CONMILNET or the Continental Militia Network. CONMILNET is comprised of the Citizens Action Network, United American Militia Advisory Council, Fourth Continental Congress and the Glass Antler. Michael C. School,, is the founder and leader of Citizens Action Network.
First time to visit this web site. We should try and see how we could work together. I help manage Citizens Action Network which is a part of CONMILNET or the Continental Militia Network. CONMILNET is comprised of the Citizens Action Network, United American Militia Advisory Council, Fourth Continental Congress and the Glass Antler. Michael C. School,, is the founder and leader of Citizens Action Network.
We are always looking for new ways to help inform and educate people. Please feel free to contact us at 707-797-7971 (Mon-Fri).